Frequently Asked Questions
What are the three different types of qigong?
Medical qigong, a branch of Chinese Medicine, is a mix of specific treatment and preventative practices to improve and maintain health. Treatment is provided by a skilled practitioner and is given to a patient to help treat their illness. The second application, preventative exercises, are designed to strengthen the body to help prevent disease, improve balance and to maintain health. Together, these approaches provide a holistic framework for restoring balance and promoting optimal health.
Martial qigong is a more active practice used to become a more effective fighter and/or increase ones physical fitness. A great example of this is called Thai Qi. This type of qigong not only increases ones strength, but it can also help improve over-all health.
Spiritual qigong is a more passive practice that takes a deep dive into ones self by slowing down, focusing more on breath and doing more meditative practices. Taoist and Buddhists use this technique to reach enlightenment.
What should I wear during practice?
Its recommend avoiding tight fitting cloths. Clothing that has a looser fit will allow blood circulation to move more easily and will increase your chance to feel the benefits of the practice.
What should I do to prepare for class?
1) Hydration is an important part of our daily routine, please bring and have water available for yourself during practice.
2) Make sure you set up your space so you have about arms length all around you so you can move freely.
3) At the end of practice, there will likely be a short meditation, so setting up a comfortable place to lay down or to sit is recommended.
4) Try not to have a heavy meal before practice. Although if you need to have a light snack before practice, that is ok. As always, simply feel into what your body needs and be gentle and kind to yourself during practice.
What should I do after practice?
Each practice can provide a different experience. Some days you may come out of practice feeling excited and energized. Feel free to go out into the world with that energy and let it shine! If you are feeling tired and would like a nap, LISTEN to your body! Napping after practice can bring some of the most profound healing. Lastly, provide your body with whole foods, good hydration and considering electrolytes is always a good place to start when helping the body recover.
If you have any other questions?
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